Angela Devlen

WEBINAR | Creating a Peer Support and Assistance Program in Your Healthcare Organization

WEBINAR | Creating a Peer Support and Assistance Program in Your Healthcare Organization

In this webinar replay, Wakefield Brunswick CEO, Angela Devlen interviews Carrie Braun, a pilot, educator, and advisor to organizations on creating Peer Support and Assistance Programs. Many of us who have been in healthcare a long time will know that we have reached out to our colleagues in aviation over the years because we've learned a lot from them in regards to practices around safety.

AHEPP 2022 Conference | Rethinking Healthcare Emergency Management - Panel Discussion

AHEPP 2022 Conference | Rethinking Healthcare Emergency Management - Panel Discussion

In this replay of a panel discussion hosted by the AHEPP 2022 Virtual Conference, Wakefield Brunswick CEO, Angela Devlen and fellow panelists at how healthcare and emergency management can leverage COVID as a catalyst for change. Other questions answered were what is the current state of healthcare emergency management, what is the business case for emergency management, and more.

AHEPP 2021 Conference | Rethinking Preparedness - Angela Devlen, CEO

AHEPP 2021 Conference | Rethinking Preparedness - Angela Devlen, CEO

In this replay of CEO, Angela Devlen’s keynote presentation from the AHEPP 2021 Conference, she considers the question of ‘Rethinking Preparedness - What COVID has Taught Us About the Need for Integrated Resiliency.’ With insights on protecting key revenue drivers, successfully managing resources, and moving forward with a more integrated approach, this presentation contains takeaways you can use today in your organization.