WEBINAR | Creating a Peer Support and Assistance Program in Your Healthcare Organization

In this webinar replay, Wakefield Brunswick CEO, Angela Devlen interviews Carrie Braun, a pilot, educator, and advisor to organizations on creating Peer Support and Assistance Programs. Many of us who have been in healthcare a long time will know that we have reached out to our colleagues in aviation over the years because we've learned a lot from them in regards to practices around safety.

Through discussions like this , we hope that we'll be able to learn more from the experiences of our aviation colleagues around peer support and assistance programs in thinking through how we might be able to apply this in the needs within healthcare.

Questions answered in the interview include:

  • How do you address the possible confidentiality issue around the peer-to-peer relationship?

  • How do we set up some level of a peer support program to further develop workforce resilience?

  • What is the mechanism to empower individuals to support themselves in stepping back?

  • What would both physical and virtual support programs look like with an organization?

  • What are some things we can do to help get leadership buy-in for our peer support and assistance programs?

This webinar originally aired on Wednesday May 18th, 2022. You can watch the replay below.

Carrie Braun has over 20 years in aviation. She served on the board of the Blue Pilot Fund, serving pilots in financial need. She is the current Pilot Peer Support Chair at Airline Pilots Association International (ALPA-I), which serves 66,000 Pilots and 38 airlines. Carrie is also the Pilot Assistance Network Chair at Jetblue ALPA Master Executive Council (MEC).


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The WB Team