Sample Continuity Program Sponsor Letter [Free Template]

Man typing on laptop sitting on wooden desk while holding black coffee in white mug in right hand

Once you have identified your program sponsor and the steering committee responsible for decision support has been established, it is time to craft your program sponsor letter. 

The purpose of this sponsor letter is to notify your frontline leadership and management about the necessary details of your continuity program.

Below you will find a step-by-step template to help you draft the details of your program sponsor letter. 

  1. Draft letter on behalf of sponsor.

  2. Letter should include:

    • Sponsor defining their role

    • Purpose of program/benefit to the organization

    • Role of leaders and staff

    • What activities will be forthcoming

    • How performance will be measured

  3. Review letter with your program supervisor.

  4. Finalize and send to executive sponsor for customization.


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